
Spotlight On: Work Vessels for Vets Awardee SFC Benjamin Hernandez

This month, Fortunato Construction Group welcomes SFC Benjamin Hernandez as an Army-supported apprentice. SFC Hernandez is a Work Vessels for Veterans awardee who connected with Fortunato Construction through the Greens for Good Golf Tournament. As he retires from active duty this spring, he is focused on growing his Enfield-based construction firm Benny Blanco Decking Company.

Recently Completed: Legrand, West Hartford CT

Recently Completed: Legrand, West Hartford CT

Legrand North America, the Wiremold Company, has fresh new digs in West Hartford, Connecticut.  This recently renovated industrial office space includes open work stations, various conference and collaboration spaces, and creative design space.  The office serves as a showroom, featuring many of Legrand's own light and data products.  We're proud to partner with this global organization who has worked for more than 25 years to transform spaces where people live and work.